6 Months at Vercel

Milestones are intrinsically meaningful. That's not a meaningful observation, more so an agreement with Mark's semi-related caption accompanying his marvelous post. I, too, like to remember and hold onto moments and through writing, share the person I was in them with you all and my future self. A parcel delivered 1st class to the Nostalgia department.

But enough about imaginary connections, I'm here to bring you into the moment of crossing the 6 month mark of working at Vercel.

An Abridged Backstory

As the trajectory of Change in my life soar to an all time high in September 2020, I received a DM from my now-manager Matthew sharing Vercel's open vacancies, specifically in the Customer Success department (Matthew had come across my unapologetic attempt at getting hired, written in a much simpler moment in time!). I already had a job, yes, but (alas) Change still had some levers to pull. So, I spoke with Matthew (then, Bel) over Zoom and 6 days later: I had an offer to join.

The dots connecting myself and this remote startup were not an obvious conclusion. I had only graduated in September (in the year of Lockdown One) and had heard of (albeit very briefly used) Next.js (though, not Vercel). And thus, it was a befitting beginning.

Jan 4th, 2021

First day jitters are as real and present, sitting by yourself in your makeshift office at home, as they are walking to an actual office building. The disconnect between your teammates, logging onto Slack as the planet rotates on its axis, soon diminishes. It takes some time but you are quickly tired of your chair and equally quickly ready to believe this all is real. That you are a valuable asset and just how much there is to learn! Both things foster confidence. Scrolling through the plethora of emojis on Slack, you smile at the one aptly titled: Vercellian.

The real work, then, begins.


I feel conflicted in how I feel about time's passage. I know this isn't a unique feeling, the infamous March 2020 was a month that is a prime example of another of Time's cruel trick. I think back to being the newest member on the team on Jan 4th and it is so far away whilst also being only yesterday. That is not to say, I am troubled by this confliction. Time happens.

I focus on what I have learnt in this time:

The following is an uneditted list.

  • That I am more skilled than I convince myself to be.
  • That there is nothing wrong with sharing my wins and championing my success.
  • That it is difficult to linger outside my comfort zone but it is worth it.
  • That there are not nearly enough hours to fulfill my Heart's list of desired achievements.
  • That listening for ways to work on my weaknesses is the 1st step on the ladder to success.
  • That planning my day is a task in itself.
  • That that feeling of self-doubt won't be silent (but can be partially silenced).
  • That communication is akin to magic.
  • That the work isn't everything.

Perhaps, this is evident when I reflect on a few of my standout memories: participating and winning 1st place in a weeklong company-wide Hack Week (with a remarkable gang of 3), shipping this feature to improve the lives of our customers, serendipitously chattering with a randomised person in the org every other week, witnessing Next.js conf (special edition) come to live behind-the-scenes, shaping my career and sharing my fears with a stellar career coach (👋 hi, Lucy!), as well as learning and executing Customer Success with a kind and friendly team on a daily basis.

Note-to-self: remain incredibly in awe and appreciative of life.


Looking onwards after looking back, I'm realising that goal setting is kind of a rigid opposite of reflecting, no? Mastering Next.js is an on-going goal but other than that, I have a general vibe of what I want to work towards in lieu of any in-depth plans.

One foot after another. That'll do, now bring on tomorrow ✌️

Until next time,